Divorce Lawyers in Kennenunk, ME

Family & Divorce Lawyers in Kennebunk, Maine

When a marriage comes to an end, it can be difficult to navigate the many emotional challenges that awaits you while trying to move forward to build a happier future. The Maine Divorce Group, in Kennebunk, Maine, understand that each divorce or separation is unique and that there is no one solution to fit everyone.  We will work with you and your family to find the best solution for your situation.

Because every divorce and family case is unique for a variety of reasons, this is the primary reason why The Maine Divorce Group is here to help you resolve your disputes, no matter how complex, in an amicable and professional manner.

Our family law firm will provide exceptional advocacy on your behalf specializing in all matters regarding family law, divorce & separation, spousal support, child planning & support, complex property division, and all matters regarding business & estate planning.

Kennebunk Law Firm Location

119 Main Street
Kennebunk, ME 04043
Phone: (207) 618-6220

Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday, 8AM – 5PM

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Family Law Services in Kennebunk

We serve all types of family law clients, including traditional divorces, civil unions, and domestic partnerships. The Maine Divorce Group has helped numerous people in a variety of issues, such as:


The legal status of a relationship is symbolized by marriage. When a married couple decides to end their marriage, they must follow the formalities of dissolving it.

Unfortunately, this is not as simple as it may sound. Decisions and compromises will be required in terms of property, children, and assets.

Since these are serious concerns that may have a significant influence on the rest of your life and your children’s, many people seek assistance from a family law firm that is well-versed in Maine’s laws.


There is no such thing as a quick and easy divorce in Maine, but there are ways to make it less stressful and expensive.

Divorce mediation is one of the most successful methods for couples to work through their differences amicably. Because of its success in resolving family law concerns and keeping divorce proceedings out of court, Maine has long encouraged mediation as an alternative dispute resolution approach.

Parental Rights and Responsibilities in Maine

Parents are still responsible for raising their children, providing for their physical, mental, and emotional needs after separation.

The term “child custody” is no longer used in Maine family law and has been replaced with “parental rights and responsibilities”.

The laws might be difficult to understand and get used to for parents, but if you remember to put the child’s best interests first at all times, it will make things a lot easier for everyone involved.

Child support

In Maine, parents have a legal obligation to financially support their children until the age of 18 or they graduate high school (whichever comes last).

So, if the court needs to decide about parental rights and responsibilities during a divorce, a child support order may be issued at the same time.

Spousal support

Spousal support may or may not be required in every divorce. The demands of the recipient, the payor’s income and financial status, and the length and duration of the marriage all play a role in determining if and how much spousal support will be paid.

Property Division

Maine considers the policy of “equitable distribution” when dividing property in a Maine divorce. Community property states, like Maine, try to allocate a couple’s property between spouses as evenly as possible.

It is crucial that your property is appropriately classified so that you can keep what is yours, or classified as non- marital property, and that you can receive what is equitable under the law.

Child relocation

If you have parental rights and are given custody of your children, relocating might not be as simple. It’s crucial that you speak with a knowledgeable Maine family law attorney if you’re thinking about moving.

Your lawyer will be able to tell you what your rights and responsibilities are in connection with the move and make sure that you follow all the required steps.

Post-judgment matters

The Maine family law courts discourage post-judgment changes to court orders, but they do so with a degree of flexibility. They are not accomplished automatically or right away.

Both parties must continue to comply with the terms of the existing order until it is granted by the court.

Our post-judgment modification lawyers at The Maine Divorce Group can assist you in applying to the court for a judgment that reflects the current state of affairs or filing a motion to enforce an existing family law judgment.

What to do before filing for divorce in Kennebunk, Maine

While divorce is not a light decision to take it is also not something to jump right into with being well prepared. There are a number of things to consider discussing with an expert before filing for divorce that could affect the outcome between you, your spouse, and children, if they live in your household. You may need to consider:

  • your shared assets, both physical and digital,
  • any property you may have to divide
  • if there is a business, how will it be managed after separation,
  • if you have children, there may be need to address a parenting plan
  • child support
  • spousal support
  • and the list goes on.

With the assistance of an experienced lawyer, your preparation can increase the chances of outcomes in your favor. Some points recommended by our law firm before filing for divorce are:

  • Collect essential records such as financial statements, tax returns, your prenuptial agreement, and insurance policies
  • Inventory your physical, real, and investment property to help identify property that is part of the marital estate and property that is not
  • Remain in your family home or if you intend to leave, discuss your plans with your Maine family law attorney first
  • Think about the needs of your children
  • Secure your digital accounts and information so that your spouse cannot find incriminating evidence to use against you
  • Open your own financial accounts, however, talk to your lawyer before moving money around from joint accounts
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What are the grounds for divorce in Maine?

In Maine, divorce is a legal process that can be initiated on different grounds, and the choice of grounds can significantly impact the divorce proceedings. Maine recognizes both no-fault and fault-based grounds for divorce, offering couples flexibility in how they approach the dissolution of their marriage.

Here are the key points:

  • No-Fault Grounds: In Maine, the primary and often simpler way to pursue a divorce is on no-fault grounds. This means couples can file for divorce without having to prove wrongdoing by either party. A common no-fault reason cited is “irreconcilable differences,” where both spouses agree that the marriage has broken down and there is no reasonable chance of reconciliation.
  • Fault-Based Grounds: Maine also allows for fault-based grounds for divorce. These include specific reasons, such as adultery, cruelty, desertion, impotence, substance abuse, and incarceration. In fault-based divorces, one spouse claims that the other’s actions or behavior are the cause of the marital breakdown.
  • Choosing the Grounds: Couples have the flexibility to select the grounds that best fit their situation. The choice between no-fault and fault-based grounds can depend on various factors, including the complexity of the case, the desire for a quicker resolution, and the specific circumstances surrounding the divorce.
  • Legal Guidance: Given the legal complexities and emotional challenges associated with divorce, seeking legal counsel is advisable. An experienced divorce attorney can provide guidance on the grounds, help navigate the legal process, and work to protect the client’s best interests throughout the divorce proceedings.

Ultimately, the choice of grounds for divorce in Maine may depend on individual circumstances and the specific goals of the divorcing couple. Consulting with an attorney can help ensure that the most suitable approach is taken to address their unique situation.

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What you are entitled to in a divorce in Maine?

Divorce in Maine involves various aspects that determine what each party is entitled to. The entitlements during divorce can cover several factors, and understanding these rights is crucial for those going through this legal process in the state.

Here are key entitlements in a Maine divorce:

  • Division of Marital Property: In Maine, marital property is typically divided equitably, but not always equally. This division includes assets, real estate, bank accounts, investments, and personal property acquired during the marriage. Property owned before the marriage or received through gift or inheritance may be considered separate property and is generally not subject to division.
  • Spousal Support (Alimony): Spousal support, also known as alimony, may be awarded to one spouse if it’s deemed necessary for their financial well-being. Factors such as the duration of the marriage, each spouse’s financial situation, and contributions to the marriage are considered when determining spousal support.
  • Child Custody and Support: For couples with children, decisions about child custody and child support are vital. In Maine, the best interests of the child are the primary consideration when determining custody arrangements. Child support is calculated based on state guidelines, considering the financial situations of both parents and the needs of the child.
  • Debts and Liabilities: Debts and liabilities acquired during the marriage must also be addressed. These may include mortgages, loans, and credit card debt. In divorce, they are typically divided between the spouses in an equitable manner.
  • Legal Representation: Both parties have the right to legal representation during divorce proceedings. Having an experienced divorce attorney is essential to protect one’s interests and ensure that the legal process is followed correctly.
  • Prenuptial Agreements: If a couple has a valid prenuptial agreement in place, its terms may impact the division of property, alimony, and other aspects of the divorce. A prenup outlines how assets and debts are to be divided in case of divorce.

Navigating divorce entitlements in Maine can be complex, and outcomes may vary based on individual circumstances.

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What to consider before your divorce in Maine

When your marriage ends, you, your spouse, & your children are about to face one of the most stressful events in your life, wrought with emotions. The number of changes can range from new living spaces, changes in expenses, new parenting plans and schedules, new schools, and maybe even new cities. These high emotions can impair decision making so it is important to consider reviewing our tips before starting the process of filing for divorce.

A lot of individuals are hoping to win the divorce case, as if it was a contest against their ex in court. In fact seldom will there be a real “winner”. A divorce typically involves various issues as mentioned before regarding child custody & support, division of property, alimony and much, much more. Rarely do separated spouses end up getting things exactly as they wanted them in the beginning.

Try to consider the consequences of a divorce litigation that may draw out in court as you continue down the path.Remember that the longer you draw out a court “battle” the more expensive it can be, racking up thousands of dollars more than if you considered working with your ex to find agreements where ever you can.

Not only financially it can be difficult but at the end of a drawn out divorce your children can surfer the worst as they continue to see their parents, two people who cared for each other, attack each other back and forth.

Don’t make important decisions without think them through when it involves elements from your marriage, be it your home, your business, your children & your investments. Resist the impulse to make any quick decision just to get your divorce over with. It is important that you consider the potential consequences of any rash decision-making.

Remember, as stated before, those who will suffer the worst from an ugly divorce is your children as they see their parents fighting with each other over the pieces of their lives. For the sake of your children, their mental health and futures to think before you decide to say something hurtful about the other parent. If the children are not coming from a past of neglect or abuse, then they will have a continued relationship with the other parent and that can shape the type of future your children will have.

Consider the option of a mental health professional to speak with your children about the separation to help them learn how to address the changes and emotions they are undoubtedly experiencing.

Try to forget about the irritants and bad habits of the past and try to think more about the future after separation and divorce. Try to approach your divorce with a willingness to work with your spouse to achieve the best outcome for your whole family.

It may seem easier to get hung up on the past by trying to fix those problems during your divorce but this can lead to increased time and legal fees before you ever get to the point of trying to rebuild your life and enjoy a brighter future.

Often divorcing spouses have goals that are completely unreasonable or inconsistent with the law but emotions can weigh heavy and decision making can become difficult.

If you want your divorce or family matter resolved quickly and timely, you need to understand how divorce laws apply in Maine to your case and have a reasonable expectation about the outcome.

This is why it is important to consult an experienced divorce lawyer. Call us at (207) 618-6220 or contact us directly online. We are here to assist your family.

Where do I file for divorce in Location, Maine?

Divorce Courts in York County, Maine

Maine District Court – Biddeford, Maine

Clerk Name: Kathy Jones
Court Address: 25 Adams, Biddeford, Maine 04005
Phone: 207-283-1147
Fax: 207-284-2977

Clerk Hours: 8AM – 4PM

Parking information: Street parking in front of courthouse. Parking lot behind building.

Call 207-230-6884 or contact us online to schedule a consult with one of our highly skilled divorce & family law lawyers today.

We serve many clients, just like you, across Maine in Cumberland, York, Sagadahoc, & Lincoln Counties.