Family Law Blog

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Divorce

Everybody makes mistakes at stressful times—and few times are more stressful than being in the process of a divorce, especially if you have children. Mistakes made during a divorce can have lasting financial and emotional consequences. The agreements you reach with a soon-to-be ex will play a crucial role ...

By |February 15, 2025|Divorce|

Who Can Get Parental Rights & Responsibilities and Visitation in Maine?

The general standard in Maine is that mothers and fathers have equal rights to custody (parental rights and responsibilities) and child visitation, unless extenuating factors make this contrary to the best interests of the child. However, what happens if the child is conceived from a sexual assault or one ...

By |January 10, 2025|Parental Rights & Responsibilities|

How to Co-Parent with a Narcissist

A narcissist is an individual with an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves and a lack of empathy for others; someone who seeks attention, exhibits controlling behavior, and generally experiences turbulent relationships. We may know someone like this, but what is the best approach if this is your ...

By |December 30, 2024|Co-Parenting, Divorce|

How to Prepare for Divorce Mediation in Maine

While no divorce in Maine can be finalized without the authorization of a judge, spouses themselves may not need to set foot in a courtroom. Parties in a divorce can make any agreement they like. As long as the best interests of the children are looked after (if applicable), ...

By |November 25, 2024|Divorce, Divorce Mediation|

Grandparent Visitation Rights in Maine

Ideally, during or after a marriage breakdown, whether by separation or divorce, the children maintain contact with all the important people in their lives, including their grandparents. Sometimes, however, a parent limits the time a child spends with grandparents. If this is affecting you or your grandchild, you may ...

By |November 10, 2024|Grandparents Rights|

How to Prove a Co-parent Is Emotionally Abusing a Child

Maine courts always prioritize the best interests of the child in parental rights and responsibilities cases (the term used for child custody cases in Maine). As such, a child can be removed from an abusive environment by a judge. Before this can happen, proof of the abuse—whether physical or ...

Call 207-230-6884 or contact us online to schedule a confidential consult with one of our highly skilled family law attorneys today.

The Maine Divorce Group proudly serves residents residing in Cumberland, York, Sagadahoc, & Lincoln County Maine.

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