Family Law Blog
Grandparent Visitation Rights in Maine
Ideally, during or after a marriage breakdown, whether by separation or divorce, the children maintain contact with all the important people in their lives, including their grandparents. Sometimes, however, a parent limits the time a child spends with grandparents. If this is affecting you or your grandchild, you may ...
How to Prove a Co-parent Is Emotionally Abusing a Child
Maine courts always prioritize the best interests of the child in parental rights and responsibilities cases (the term used for child custody cases in Maine). As such, a child can be removed from an abusive environment by a judge. Before this can happen, proof of the abuse—whether physical or ...
How to Navigate Your Parental Rights Case in Maine
A separation or divorce in Maine where a couple has children together can lead to a parental rights case. During the separation or divorce process, parents have legal obligations to make adequate arrangements for the welfare of their children, including their physical, mental, and emotional needs. Their main parental ...
How to Receive Alimony in Maine
Alimony is more commonly called “spousal support” in Maine. When a marriage breaks down, one spouse may be entitled to receive financial support to help transition to a single, self-sufficient life. How you receive alimony, how much the payments are, and for how long they are made depend on ...
Joint Custody Tips for Divorced Parents in Maine
Shared parental rights and responsibilities, or “joint custody”, is the preferred and most common arrangement for Maine families after separation and divorce. Co-parenting responsibilities can be challenging and complex. It can help to have a few joint custody tips and understand the legal guidelines when working on your parenting ...
Unmarried Parents’ Rights in Maine
When married couples have children in Maine, the spouses are presumed to be the parents of the children. However, this may not be the case for unmarried couples in Maine, leading to potential parental disputes and the need for the father to prove paternity. If you are an unmarried ...
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The Maine Divorce Group proudly serves residents residing in Cumberland, York, Sagadahoc, & Lincoln County Maine.