Family Law Blog

How Domestic Violence Could Impact Your Divorce in Maine

Divorces are rarely straightforward, but in marriages where domestic violence is or has been a factor, the matter becomes even more complicated. If a spouse, other family member or individual residing in the same household has been a victim of physical abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, emotional abuse, or another ...

By |May 10, 2024|Divorce, Domestic Violence, Family Law|

What to Know Before Starting the Divorce Process in Maine

Before starting a divorce in Maine, becoming acquainted with some of the basic requirements and items to prepare for a divorce in the state can make the process as smooth as possible. The eligibility requirements, costs, time it takes, and whether to hire a lawyer are all important considerations ...

By |April 23, 2024|Divorce, Family Law, Roadmap To Divorce|

Learn About Your Family Rights in Maine

Family rights refer to the rights and responsibilities of parents. In Maine, these rights are rigorously protected by law. When parents' divorce or separate, the family rights remain, but parents must work out a way to share the rights and responsibilities in the best interests of the children, which ...

By |April 5, 2024|Family Law|

Is Common Law Marriage Recognized in Maine?

Common law marriage is not recognized under Maine law. This means that disputes over debts, assets/property, or any other matters concerning the end of the relationship will not be handled in the same manner as spouses in a divorce. However, this does not mean that if you have lived ...

By |March 11, 2024|Common Law, Family Law|

Calculating Child Support Payments in Maine

When couples with children separate in Maine, the matters of parenting and child support are high on the list of issues to resolve. How much child support must be paid to whom are important questions that the Maine courts want to see settled in the best interests of the ...

By |February 25, 2024|Child Support, Family Law|

Signs Your Separation Could Lead to Reconciliation

Going through difficult times in a marriage is almost inevitable at some point. When this happens, there are several ways of dealing with the situation. Some couples try to tough it out and see if they can come through with their marriage intact, some choose to live apart during ...

By |January 15, 2024|Family Law, Legal Separation|

Call 207-230-6884 or contact us online to schedule a confidential consult with one of our highly skilled family law attorneys today.

The Maine Divorce Group proudly serves residents residing in Cumberland, York, Sagadahoc, & Lincoln County Maine.

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