Category: Child Custody
How to Navigate Your Parental Rights Case in Maine
A separation or divorce in Maine where a couple has children together can lead to a parental rights case. During the separation or divorce process, parents have legal obligations to make adequate arrangements for the welfare of their children, including their physical, mental, and emotional needs. Their main parental ...
Joint Custody Tips for Divorced Parents in Maine
Shared parental rights and responsibilities, or “joint custody”, is the preferred and most common arrangement for Maine families after separation and divorce. Co-parenting responsibilities can be challenging and complex. It can help to have a few joint custody tips and understand the legal guidelines when working on your parenting ...
Same-Sex Couples: Child Custody Issues in Maine
Same-sex marriage has been legally recognized in Maine since 2012 and federally since 2015.All states are mandated to recognize a same-sex couple’s right to marry, but this doesn’t prevent legal issues from arising when they separate or divorce.Many married same-sex couples (as well as domestic partners) with children have encountered ...
How Does Domestic Violence Affect Child Custody in Maine?
The parent-child bond is probably the strongest one that most people know and it is not broken by a divorce or separation. When parents separate, life must continue and couples must find a way to limit the negative consequences for their children. That’s easier said than done, of course, ...
Primary Residence and Parental Rights & Responsibilities in Maine
Knowledge of the family law system in Maine helps you navigate your divorce and the judicial system with greater ease and less anxiety. If you have minor children and are planning on divorce, or are already underway, there are key concepts regarding your parental rights & responsibilities that impact ...
Determining When a Parent is Unfit for Custody in Maine
During divorce, few issues are as contentious as child custody. In some cases, one parent may claim the other is unfit. Casting doubt on the parenting skills and intentions of an ex-partner is an age-old ploy of parents jockeying for a better custody arrangement during separation or after divorce. But ...