Category: Child Support

The Maine Parentage Act and Who Can Be Considered a Parent?

Matters of parentage are an integral part of family law that have profound consequences for families in Maine. While parentage is generally “presumed” or “acknowledged” in Maine, the matter may become more complicated when couples separate and custody, child support or parental rights are disputed during divorce proceedings. Sometimes, ...

By |August 15, 2022|Child Support, Family Law, Maine Parentage Act|

Remarrying With Children in Maine: What to Expect

When you remarry with children from a previous marriage in Maine, it can have consequences for many areas of life. In particular, remarriage may affect child support payments and raise questions about the inheritance rights of your children. Certain measures exist to address such issues. The best place to ...

By |July 11, 2022|Child Support, Family Law, Remarrying with Children|

Changing or Enforcing Final Orders in Maine Family Matter Cases

Final orders issued by the Maine Family Court, such as a child support order, can be enforced by the authorities. If, however, a change of circumstances is substantial enough to justify an amendment to the order, the appropriate legal steps can be taken for the family law courts to ...

Guide to Maine Divorce Laws

While a small portion of federal laws govern some aspects of a divorce, Maine state law provides the key legislation for divorcing couples. Even seemingly straightforward divorces can become complex as emotions take over and disputes arise. The needs of the children and financial considerations mean that the potential ...

By |February 9, 2021|Alimony, Child Support, Divorce, Family Law|
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