Protection From Abuse Lawyers (PFA) in Maine

Orders of protection, also known as no-contact orders or restraining orders, are meant to keep people safe from those that may harm them. Sometimes they are issued against one spouse to protect the other.
Whether you need to get an order of protection filed against your spouse to keep you safe or you have had an order of protection filed against you to keep you away, it is essential that you have a Maine family law attorney on your side.
It is also crucial that you understand these orders and how they apply to your case.
Getting an Order of Protection from Abuse in Maine
The person filing a no-contact order is seeking legal protection from domestic violence, abuse, rape, or stalking. To obtain an order of protection, you can go to the District Court:
- Where you live
- Where the person who abused you lives
- Where you have gone to get away from the abuser
If one of these judges is not available, another Court can issue an order in their place.
You will be required to complete a form describing the abuse in as much detail as you possibly can. It should include dates, times, locations, and specific incidents of abuse. You need to ensure that you check all of the boxes that you believe apply in your situation. If they end up not applying, they can be removed later. However, if you do not check them, and they do apply, the judge may not let you add them later.
The Specifics of a Protection Order in Maine
An order of protection prohibits the person from taking several actions. If they take any of these actions, they can face legal ramifications, including fines and jail time. Protection orders generally detail the following:
- The individual whom the order is against is not allowed to contact, harass, follow, or physically harm the protected person and any children or animals in their home
- The individual cannot go to the home, school, or work of a protected person
- Temporary orders regarding spousal maintenance, child support, child custody, visitation, and pet custody
- The individual may need to attend certified counselling for abusers
- Prevent the restrained individual from possessing a gun
- Termination of a life insurance policy
- The division of personal property, household goods, and furnishings
- Preventing the individual from taking or damaging property that belongs to both the person who filed the order and themselves
- Paying for expenses caused by the abuse, such as medical bills, court costs, and attorney’s fees
A temporary restraining order will last until the permanent one is issued. Depending on the circumstances, the order can be in effect for up to two years, or longer if the judge deems necessary.
Contact The Maine Divorce Group for Help Now
If you need to file an order of protection against your spouse, or you have had one filed against you by your spouse, we are here to help. Orders of protection can complicate your divorce situation even further and need the attention of Maine family law attorneys to ensure everything is done within the confines of the law.
Do not hesitate to contact us. Schedule your case review with The Maine Divorce Group today.
Call 207-230-6884 or contact us online to schedule a consult with one of our highly skilled family law attorneys today.
We serve many clients, just like you, across Maine in Cumberland, York, Sagadahoc, & Lincoln Counties.